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Body Contouring Procedures
in Dallas, TX

Body contouring procedures are used to adjust the shape of your body to reflect the true you within, whether you struggle with excess fat, sagging skin, loose muscles, or more.

Dr. Aly is one of the world’s foremost experts in body contouring after significant weight loss. He pioneered many of the advanced techniques now used in body contouring plastic surgery around the world. When you choose Dr. Aly for your body contouring surgery, you are choosing a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who has taught thousands of other expert plastic surgeons their craft.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) removes excess skin and fat from your abdomen and tightens loose abdominal muscles. This procedure is ideal for patients recovering from weight loss or pregnancy who want their original appearance restored.

Recovery after tummy tuck surgery can take between two and six weeks depending on the extent of the procedure. Final results can take three to six months to fully develop.

Tummy Tuck Revision

Tummy tuck revision can correct concerns that arise following an initial tummy tuck. These concerns may include muscles that do not remain tightened, the development of further excess skin, or, most commonly, bulges at the sides of the original scar.

If you are not satisfied with your initial tummy tuck results, revision surgery may be right for you. Abdominoplasty revision can also address recurrent abdominal laxity caused by aging, additional weight loss, or a subsequent pregnancy.

Recovery after tummy tuck revision is usually comparable to the original tummy tuck. This means recovery will range between two and six weeks. Final results may take three to six months to develop.

Female model in a sundress with a voluptuous chest

Post-Weight-Loss Surgery

Post-weight-loss surgery may involve one or more body contouring procedures to correct cosmetic concerns following significant weight loss. Dr. Aly pioneered these techniques and is known worldwide for his expertise in post-weight-loss body contouring.

Whether you have lost weight from diet and exercise or bariatric surgery, body contouring procedures can remove excess skin from various areas of the body, such as the abdomen, back, arms, hips, and thighs. It can also return the breasts or chest contours back to normal. These skin removal surgeries may also target remaining fat pockets and reposition tissue to create a slim and appealing body contour.

Recovery after post-weight-loss surgery will vary depending on the extent of the operation. Patients should expect to spend two to six weeks recovering. Final results will take three to six months to fully develop.

Body Lift

Body lift surgery (belt lipectomy) is a more extensive form of tummy tuck surgery that lifts and contours the entire midsection. A belt lipectomy removes excess tissue from the midsection in the shape of a boxing championship belt, where more skin and fat are removed from the front of the body than the back. This procedure is best for patients with tissue laxity in the abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs, lower back, and buttocks.

Recovery after body lift surgery can take four to six weeks depending on the extent of the procedure. Final results may take six months to become fully visible as the body adjusts to its new size and residual swelling resolves.

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Torso of a curvy woman in black undergarments
A voluptuous woman in nude colored undergarments

Upper Body Lift

Upper body lift surgery is performed to correct laxity in the upper trunk or chest area. This procedure can correct sagging skin and fat on the upper and mid back, upper arms, and breasts/chest.

Recovery after upper body lift surgery takes about two to four weeks. Patients should avoid vigorous activities for up to six weeks. Final results may take several months to become apparent.

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Thigh Lift

Thigh lift surgery removes excess skin and fat from the upper legs. This procedure recontours the inner thighs to provide a slimmer, more toned appearance. When combined with liposuction, it can also remove unwanted fat deposits.

Recovery after thigh lift surgery usually takes two to four weeks. Final results may take months to become visible as swelling subsides.

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Lower body of a female model in red underwear
Upper body of a model in a white bra

Arm Lift

Arm lift surgery (brachioplasty) removes excess skin and fat from the upper arms to provide slim and youthful contours. This procedure is ideal for patients struggling with sagging skin that hangs from their upper arms in so-called ‘bat wings.’ This condition may occur naturally with age or after significant weight loss.

Recovery after arm lift surgery usually takes one to two weeks. Final results may take a few weeks to become visible as swelling subsides.

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Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes unwanted fat deposits from the body. It works by inserting small tubes called cannulas into the target area and using them to suction out the unwanted fat. This body sculpting procedure is commonly combined with many other types of plastic surgery for enhanced body contouring results.

Ideal patients are in good health and at a stable weight they feel comfortable maintaining. It is important to note that liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure.

Recovery after liposuction will vary based on the number of areas treated and the amount of fat removed. Final results may take up to six months to develop as your body adjusts to its more slender contours.

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Midbody shot of a thin female model in sports undergarments

Torso of a slim female model in a black swimsuit

Mommy Makeover

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of plastic surgery procedures meant to reverse many unwanted effects of pregnancy or significant weight loss. Mommy Makeover surgery commonly includes liposuction, tummy tuck surgery, breast augmentation, and breast lift surgery. However, it can be customized based on the breast and body procedures you desire. These procedures work together to eliminate unwanted fat, tighten muscles, and remove excess or sagging skin.

Recovery after a Mommy Makeover can vary between two and six weeks depending on which procedures are included. Final results may take up to six months to become apparent.

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Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that reduces the size and projection of the labia minora (inner vaginal lips). This may be performed for aesthetic or health reasons, and many women choose to undergo this procedure after giving birth. Labiaplasty can restore the inner labia to a smaller size and eliminate the discomfort associated with enlarged labia minora.

Recovery after labiaplasty usually takes one to two weeks. However, patients should avoid sexual intercourse for at least six weeks. Final results will be visible within a week or two as swelling fades.

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Interested in Breast and Face Plastic Surgery?

In addition to the above body sculpting procedures, Dr. Aly offers cosmetic facial procedures and breast enhancement surgeries.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Al Aly.

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