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Drainless Tummy Tuck
in Dallas, TX

Tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) is one of the most transformational body contouring procedures available. A tummy tuck can help to reshape the midsection by removing excess fat and sagging skin and tightening the underlying muscles. In some situations, it can be combined with a circumferential belt lipectomy to eliminate stubborn fat and excess skin in the surrounding areas (the flanks, hips, and buttocks), creating the best possible contour.

If a tummy tuck is combined with a drainless technique, patients can enjoy the benefits of the surgery without the problems that can be caused by drains.

What Is a Drainless Tummy Tuck?

Traditional tummy tuck techniques utilize drains placed in the abdomen to aid recovery. These drains rid the body of fluid build-up in the internal surgical area, which can be large in surface area under the skin of the abdomen. In some patients, fluid will accumulate after the drains are removed and cause a “seroma.” Seromas can be difficult to treat and often require multiple return visits to the office and varying treatments to eliminate.

Drains can be cumbersome, difficult for patients to take care of, and can lead to pain. With a drainless tummy tuck, you can achieve your aesthetic goals while minimizing post-surgical discomfort and recovery time.

As the name suggests, a drainless tummy tuck is performed in an alternate fashion where instead of drains, hidden internal sutures, called “quilting sutures,” are utilized to break up the large surface area created by the tummy tuck preventing fluid accumulations, or seromas. The drainless tummy tuck technique has almost entirely eliminated seromas from occurring after abdominoplasty in Dr. Aly’s practice.

Why Choose an Experienced Surgeon for Your Drainless Tummy Tuck?

Dr. Aly has been performing no-drain tummy tucks for over two decades with the significant benefit of increased comfort to patients and the virtual elimination of seromas.

Dr. Al Aly has been practicing for over 25 years and is one of the top-rated plastic surgeons in and around Dallas, Texas. He does not use drains in any of his procedures, which makes him the ideal choice for your upcoming procedure.

Fit woman with nice body

What Can a Drainless Tummy Tuck Correct?

In addition to removing excess skin and tightening the core muscles, the drainless abdominoplasty removes excess fat in the surrounding areas to reshape the entire midsection.

After this procedure, patients can expect a more contoured and defined abdomen and trunk.

The no-drain tummy tuck can:

  • Correct diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles)
  • Create a more balanced appearance to the entire midsection and surrounding areas
  • Create a natural-looking navel
  • Improve a patient’s comfort and confidence

Drainless Tummy Tuck Procedure

For this procedure, Dr. Aly may combine liposuction in the abdomen and surrounding areas (including the hips, flanks, back, and pubis). Next, an incision will be made just above your pubic area, which will eventually lead to the scar being covered by virtually all underwear styles.

After the underlying abdominal muscles are exposed, they will be tightened, excess skin will be surgically excised, and the navel will be repositioned so that it sits in a more natural position. Liposuction surgery is added if needed to areas of excess fat. Lastly, the remaining abdominal skin will be redraped, and the incisions closed, but only after deep “quilting sutures” are placed. This results in no drains being used after the surgery.

How Long Does Drainless Tummy Tuck Surgery Take?

The length of drainless tummy tuck procedures varies with each patient and depends on several factors, including the extent of the correction needed and whether the abdominoplasty is combined with other procedures. However, a drainless tummy tuck generally takes two to four hours to complete.

Is a No-Drain Tummy Tuck Painful?

The drainless tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia to ensure that you will not feel any pain or discomfort during the surgery. Soreness and some pain are expected during the first days of your no-drain tummy tuck recovery; however, this is much less than traditional methods because, after surgery, Dr. Aly combines a long lasting local anesthetic, injected in all areas operated on that lasts in its effects for days, non-narcotic pain medication, and medications that reduce the use of narcotics to control pain. This regimen has been much more successful in reducing pain, with minimal side effects, than previous pain control methods.

How Long Is Tummy Tuck Recovery?

While traditional abdominoplasty requires two to three weeks of downtime, with a four to six-week recovery time, women and men can look forward to one to two weeks of downtime after their Dallas drainless tummy tuck. Patients can expect to resume light activity, including returning to work, at this time.

During your recovery, you will have soreness, bruising, and some swelling. These side effects will dissipate over the next several weeks. You will also need to wear a compression garment for four to six weeks to speed up your recovery and help improve your tummy tuck results.

Dr. Aly will provide you with a specific recovery timeline at your consultation and follow-up appointments.

Have additional questions about drainless tummy tuck surgery?

Contact us to schedule your consultation.

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