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Everything You Need to Know About Arm Lift Surgery

Arm Lift Timeline

What should I expect before upper arm reduction surgery?

  1. An initial visit will be held where Dr. Aly will perform a complete physical and discuss your medical history.
  2. Dr. Aly will determine if you need to see any other physicians to “tune you up” prior to surgery.
  3. You will have a set of photographs taken, which will allow Dr. Aly to make the correct diagnoses and plan for the upcoming surgery/surgeries.
  4. Dr. Aly will then discuss the potential surgical procedures you may require and show you pictures of patients who have undergone similar procedures.
  5. Dr. Aly will discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with arm reduction surgery with you.
  6. Laboratory exams are performed to determine if you have any abnormalities that need to be adjusted before surgery.
  7. Many patients will require multiple operations to eliminate all of their massive weight loss excess. Dr. Aly will sit down with you to create a course of action to accomplish your needs.
  8. One or two days before surgery, you will have markings placed on your arms in preparation for surgery.

What happens on the day of brachioplasty surgery and the early period after it?

  1. On the day of surgery, you are admitted to an area where you are prepared for surgery.
  2. You will meet the anesthesiologist, and they will discuss your anesthesia plan.
  3. Dr. Aly will come in and say hello, check that the markings are still in place, and, if necessary, make any adjustments.
  4. You will then be taken to the operating room, and the anesthesiologist will put you under general anesthesia.
  5. Surgery is then performed, which requires 2 to 4 hours, depending on your individual anatomy.
  6. Dr. Aly does not use drains, so you will not have to worry about that.
  7. Most patients who undergo brachioplasty as a standalone procedure will go home the same day of the surgery. Occasionally, patients are admitted overnight, depending on where they live and their finances.
  8. You are expected to get up and walk at least a few steps a few hours after surgery. After you are awake and alert, you are expected to ambulate normally with the precautions mentioned below. Walking and staying out of bed are very important because they reduce the risk of blood clots.
  9. While in bed or sitting in a chair, your arms will be placed on enough pillows to elevate them to a level at or above heart level.
  10. You are also expected to keep your arms elevated above heart level when walking.
  11. Your arms should be elevated for two weeks after surgery except when eating and using the bathroom.
  12. After surgery, the arms usually seep a little blood-tinged fluid for a day or two.
  13. The next day after surgery, you are encouraged to mostly sit in a chair or walk, with as little time as possible in bed.

What should I expect the first few weeks after an arm lift?

  1. Patients usually return to see Dr. Aly within a few days after discharge to check their wounds and overall well-being.
  2. During the first week after surgery, you are expected to walk at least six times a day and stay out of bed as much as possible.
  3. During the first few weeks after surgery, Dr. Aly sees you to ensure you are doing well and not experiencing problems such as wound separations or fluid collections.
  4. After a week to 10 days, you may be expected to wear a light compression garment. Dr. Aly will let you know when you can stop wearing it.

What should I expect after the first few weeks after an Aly-posterior scar brachioplasty?

  1. After the first few weeks, you are seen approximately once a month for three to four months, depending on your progress.
  2. Seromas—fluid collections that can develop in the area that was operated on—can occur after the first few weeks. Dr. Aly will look for these fluid collections, and if found, he will treat them.
  3. Occasionally, some of the deep sutures will come through the skin. They can be taken care of during these longer-term follow-up visits.
  4. Dr. Aly will usually see local patients every two to three months from the six-month to the 12-month mark. If you live far away, the time between visits can be extended depending on how you are doing.
  5. Most patients will fully stabilize their arm lift results a year to two years after surgery. Dr. Aly prefers to see most patients for checks up to that time. If you are able and willing, he will continue to see you yearly after that.
  6. Most patients can resume their normal activities 3 to 4 weeks after surgery, but this varies from patient to patient.

Arm Lift Frequently Asked Questions

Is an arm lift painful?

Anesthesia is administered before the surgery begins so you won’t feel pain during your arm lift procedure. However, you can expect to experience some pain and discomfort after surgery. We utilize a “long-lasting anesthetic” during surgery, which lasts 48 to 72 hours. This “long-lasting anesthetic” has dramatically reduced the discomfort after surgery, not only for this surgery but almost all surgeries we perform.

What results can I expect after an arm lift?

After arm lift surgery, you can expect to see a noticeable difference in your arms. Excess sagging skin on the upper arms will be eliminated, and the underlying tissues in the arms will be tightened for a smoother look. Patients who are good candidates for arm reduction surgery can typically attain a remarkable improvement in their arm contour.

How can I get the best brachioplasty results?

The best results from brachioplasty surgery are often attained when the patient has lost a large portion of excess fat on their upper arms and is left with mostly excess skin. However, not all patients are able to reach that ideal starting point, so the techniques used during arm lift surgery are adapted for patients who still retain some stubborn upper arm fat.

Does an arm lift leave a scar?

It is essential for all patients to understand that most massive weight loss body contouring surgeries involve a trade-off, and arm lift surgery is no exception. With an arm lift, patients trade a scar for a significant improvement in their arm contours. Arm lift surgery scars run on the underside of the arm, so they are not as easily visible from the front view. Many major weight loss patients find that the arm lift scar is worth it due to the remarkable improvement in the appearance of their arms.

How long does an arm lift last?

Arm lift results are designed to last and be enjoyed for many years. However, weight fluctuations can alter and potentially reverse results if significant weight is gained or lost. If the patient stays at a stable weight after surgery, the arm lift results should be permanent.

How much does arm lift surgery cost?

Your arm lift surgery cost will be determined by the extent of the surgery, your surgeon’s expertise, anesthesia fees, and the cost of compression garments. Due to these varying factors, the cost of arm lift surgery tends to vary from patient to patient. In general, patients can expect that this surgery ranges from $8,000 to $10,000. However, a more specific price quote can be given during your consultation.

Does insurance cover arm lift surgery?

Arm lift surgery is typically not covered by insurance. This is because insurance companies consider it a cosmetic procedure rather than a medical necessity.