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Body Contouring Procedures to Consider After Ozempic® 

Posted February 21, 2024 in Body Contouring After Major Weight Loss

It can feel great to lose a significant amount of weight, especially if you’ve been struggling with your weight for years. However, many people find that after losing weight with Ozempic®, they cannot fully enjoy their slimmer bodies due to the sagging excess skin from their weight loss. Here, we discuss body contouring procedures that complement major weight loss, including the body lift, belt lipectomy, upper body lift, tummy tuck, arm lift, and thigh lift, all done without drains. 

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Losing Weight With Ozempic® 

Losing weight is no easy task, and the remaining stubborn pockets of fat tend only to make things more difficult. For some, options like the Ozempic® weight loss shot provide much-needed weight relief. Ozempic® has made it easier for people to lose significant amounts of weight in a relatively short period of time. However, the biggest caveat with significant weight loss is the excess skin that patients are left with.&

For other people struggling with obesity, bariatric surgery may be necessary to prevent other serious health issues from occurring. Through enough rigorous diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, some people can lose unhealthy weight on their own. Yet, no matter the method used for weight loss, significant and rapid weight loss often leaves patients with excess sagging skin that cannot be removed without surgery.

Plastic Surgery Procedures for Major Weight Loss Patients

After losing significant weight, it can be frustrating to have saggy skin hanging over your new body. Excess skin can make your body look disproportionate or even look like you’re still overweight, especially if it clumps around your waistline.

With over 25 years of experience, Dr. Aly is a body contouring specialist in Dallas, TX, offering a range of procedures that help major weight loss patients feel confident in their new bodies. He pioneered this branch of plastic surgery.

Body Lift

Do you have excess skin in the lower portion of your body? If the body areas you’d like to target are the stomach, flanks, pubic area, and buttocks, then a body lift may be right for you. The body lift, also called the “lower body lift” and “belt lipectomy,” addresses excess skin and fat in these areas to reshape your body contours. Removing and tightening the skin in these lower body areas also enhances the appearance of the buttocks, hips, pubic area, and thighs.

Upper Body Lift

If your concerns lie in your upper body, from the collarbone area to the middle of the back, then an upper body lift can tackle those areas. Dr. Aly coined the term “upper body lift” and was the first to perform this surgery and has the most extensive experience in performing it globally.  He’s had over two decades of experience performing this procedure, eliminating upper-to-mid-back rolls and excess skin on the chest and upper arms.

Drainless Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck can significantly improve the abdomen’s appearance, especially for patients with diastasis recti, which occurs when the abdominal muscles separate. Tummy tuck surgery provides transformative, natural-looking results for patients who want to tone their stomachs by removing stubborn fat and excess skin. Dr. Aly also does not use drains for this procedure, which allows the patient to be more comfortable post-surgery.

Arm Lift

Do you have excess skin on your upper arms, creating a flabby appearance? An arm lift, also called brachioplasty, removes saggy skin and tightens the remaining skin for smoother, more defined arms. Dr. Aly has developed and pioneered one of the most effective arm reduction techniques worldwide.

Thigh Lift 

Thigh lift surgery can be a great option if your thighs have droopy skin and need to be reshaped. A thigh lift addresses stubborn fat and skin on the thighs and recontours them to create a more balanced appearance with the rest of your body.

Drainless Surgery

All of the above procedures are performed without drains by Dr. Aly. He has developed techniques that significantly reduce seromas without the use of drains, which dramatically improves the patient’s experience after surgery.

Want to Learn More About Post Weight Loss Surgery in Dallas, TX?

To learn more about post-weight loss surgery and your body contouring options in Dallas, TX, call us at 214-645-3565 or fill out our online contact form today!